Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Patience, Like It or Not

In a terrific article, "My Last Project With My Dad: Building My Own Coffin," David Giffels wrote, “He was humble in that way, aware that the task was king, and he its servant. On the dusty jamb of the workshop door was a yellowed card, in the shape of a dove, printed with a Bible quote, Romans 8:25—“’if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.’ This was one of the best lessons he’d taught me there, without ever saying a word.”

I’ve written before about “service to the music” being the ideal to which I believe musicians should aspire. Musicians, on average, aspire to considerably lower goals: sex, drugs, and no more than 3 chords per song. Still, I’d like to think that there is still a place for well-crafted songs, well-arranged performances, and highly skilled performers who care about their audience. I know, dream on. All of those things are hard to find in the real world, but I believe they exist. I do.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Cool Snarky Puppy Stuff

In case I haven't made this clear, Snarky Puppy is my current favorite recording act. Someday, I hope to see them live and I really hope to make them my favorite live act. These are just a few of my favorite performances from this amazing band. At the least, listen to these pieces with decent headphones. SP goes to incredible lengths to produce high fidelity recordings. They deserve the respect of a decent reproduction system, at the least.